Arcadia 5 Vie

Disegno a mano colonne 5 Vie Milano Pietrachiara
Disegno a mano colonne 5 Vie Milano Pietrachiara

The Arcadia project was created for the 5 Vie Fuorisalone 2023 event which took place from the 17-23 April in an 19th century palazzo in Via Cesare Correnti 14. There we installed our Anne columns amongst the palazzo’s stone columns in an attempt to convey our vision of a mythical land where modern processing methods and artisan traditions come together, where the classic style is contemporary; in an era in which we move towards the digitisation of even human relationships, we wish to remember that the human factor remains essential.

(drawing by Rosalind Frances Holmes)

Set colonne decorative Pietrachiara legno massello